The Tore A Jonasson Foundation

Tore A Jonasson (1916–2015) is the man behind The Tore A Jonasson Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to show selected works from his collection, to annually acquire sports-related art and award a number of grants to artists and sports practitioners. The foundation also presents temporary exhibitions of contemporary art in Konsthall 16.

Märta König, Folk på Enskede IP / People at Enskede Sportsground, 2021.
Märta König, Folk på Enskede IP/People at Enskede Sportsground, 2021. The Tore A Jonasson Collection. Photo, Johann Bergenholtz.
Pictures of Tore from the family album.
Pictures of Tore from the family album.

About Tore A Jonasson

Tore A Jonasson was passionate about sports, art and securities throughout his life. In sports, he focused on athletics, especially throw sports and long and short distance running, but he also played football, tennis and bandy. In art, his particular interest lay in Swedish painting by artists of his own generation, many of whom enjoyed his patronage. When Tore A Jonasson died in 2015, the work began on establishing a foundation in accordance with his will from 2013.

Konsthall 16

Konsthall 16 is the result of a collaboration between The Tore A Jonasson Foundation and Riksidrottsmuseum (the Swedish Sports Museum). Konsthall 16 hosts two to three exhibitions per year, primarily of Swedish and Nordic art, but occasionally also features international artists. The focus is on contemporary art that in some way relates to sports issues.

John Kørner, Running Box, Konsthall 16, 2019.
John Kørner, Running Box, Konsthall 16, 2019. Photo, Johann Bergenholtz.
Idrottsminnen / Reminiscences of Sports – The Tore A Jonasson Collection, 2019. Assa Kauppi, Kamp / Struggle, Gemenskap / Camaraderie, Samarbete / Teamwork, 2019; Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Unstable II, 1998/2008; Claes Jurander, På yttersta kanten / On the Very Edge, 1997, Synopsis till en film om snö / Synopsis for a Film About Snow, 1997; Maria Friberg, Anywhere and Everywhere, 2014.
Idrottsminnen/Reminiscences of Sports – The Tore A Jonasson Collection, 2019. Assa Kauppi, Kamp/Struggle, Gemenskap/Camaraderie, Samarbete/Teamwork, 2019; Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Unstable II, 1998/2008; Claes Jurander, På yttersta kanten/On the Very Edge, 1997, Synopsis till en film om snö/Synopsis for a Film About Snow, 1997; Maria Friberg, Anywhere and Everywhere, 2014. Photo, Johann Bergenholtz.

The Collection

Tore A Jonasson collected art by Swedish artists of his own generation. His acquisitions made him a patron to a small circle of artists. Most of his original collection was sold when he died, but since 2017, The Tore A Jonasson Foundation acquires new works by Swedish artists. In line with Tore’s interests, the Foundation has chosen to focus on works that are in some way associated with sports.


The Tore A Jonasson Foundation annually award a number of grants to artists and sports practitioners. The recipients are appointed by a sports committee and an art committee appointed by the foundation.

Christian Partos, Revansch / Revenge, 2023. The Tore A Jonasson Collection.
Christian Partos, Revansch/Revenge, 2023. The Tore A Jonasson Collection. Photo, Johann Bergenholtz.